Welcome to the world of Hunters Lodge Corporation. The concept of our Corporation was founded in 1957. We have been servicing the needs of collectors, along with enthusiasts and decorators, from around the world for many years.
As one of the leading importers of historical antique firearms and military accoutrements, we have expanded our product line to include many unique and different products. We are sure you will find many items of vast interest to you. Every year we expand our product line with exciting new, and sometimes extremely rare, sought-after collectibles and desirable items.
Let us take this time to welcome you to our website and our exciting world of products. Many of our available products are collectables from around the world, while many other are from within our own great country. We carry items that reflect the Frontier Days, the Western Shootist Period, and our Indian heritage. We also carry horse tack and deco, so sought-after as display pieces of Western Americana.
Our warehouses contain thousands of antique firearms imported from around the world, along with military surplus equipment, parts, and various other materials. Material is unloaded at our facility from tractor-trailers, processed, and reshipped to our valued customers across the country.
Your orders are welcome by U.S. Mail. Payment by check or money order only. No credit/debit cards accepted.
Thousands upon thousands of gun parts are available from our Parts Department. We have never catalogued all of our parts, but you will find our personnel ready to help you. Just send your requests by mail, fax, or e-mail.

Hunters Lodge Corporation
PO Box 203
Ethridge, TN 38456-0203
Tel # (931) 766-0755
Fax # (931) 762-6881